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Dolphin Swim / Whale Encounter
Mandala Retreat
Kona Coast, Hawaii with Julia Weaver, MFT

This week we will increase our ability to live in a state of joy which is a key to manifesting our deepest dreams and highest visions.

Home base for our retreat will be exquisite a wilderness sanctuary for dolphins, sea turtles, and whales, situated on the Kona Coast of Hawaii's big island.

It is a place sacred to the indigenous people as "Gateway to the Gods" and reknown for it's healing effects upon body, mind and soul.

We will lodge at a private oceanfront retreat with beach access, views of the bay from every room, and a soothing hot tub at water’s edge. A local chef will lovingly prepare delicious meals.

In the intimacy of a small group, you will receive and allow your own unique luminous vision to manifest on black paper with white and colored pencils. Through the psycho-spiritual mandala process, you will experience the Divine expression of your Self as color, light, form, and words. Absolutely no prior art or writing experience is necessary.

The mandalas you create will serve to translate the energy, healing and teachings from the dolphins and whales and other marine life teachers including the water itself. Your mandalas will be a blue print/template for integration when you return home and will continue to reveal new information, assisting in dissolving barriers to embody the Living mandala that you Are.

Our adventures in the bay are suitable for newcomers as well as snorkelling enthusiasts. In addition to swimming and snorkelling, you may enjoy the bay by sea kayak or gently floating on the surface with a boogie board.

We will have daily swims and snorkeling in local bays, often frequented by dolphins. A boat trip to swim with dolphins along the Kona coast. Our week concludes with a whale watching boat journey: awe inspiring views and sounds of the magnificent Humpback whales!