
To learn about
current programs visit:

“It's a question of seeing
So much clearer
Of doing things
What light does to them”.

Art & Soul, Awakening the Heartist Within!

These workshops will invite you to experience and express the Light inherent in all Life. The beauty of your own Heart will be reflected back to you in the group and on paper.

I am also offering Artist’s Way groups ** coming soon & “Returning to Our Senses, Women’s Wisdom group” (other collaborations are brewing!)

Awakening the Heartist Within, invites you to experience The Mandala Process as a doorway for awakening to spontaneous creativity; a key to living joyfully each moment.

Mandala means sacred circle in Sanskrit.  Mandalas are visionary tools for meditation in many cultures including Hindu, Buddhist, and Navajo. Psychologically, circles provide a supportive space for transformation and individuation. They represent healing and wholeness.

Mandalas and labyrinths are vehicles for journeying to the limitless center of one's being. (This) ”Center is everywhere and circumference, nowhere ”Bridging individual and collective consciousness, they invite participants to rest in the core of their own hearts and, simultaneously, in the Heart of the world.

When we rest in our Essence, spontaneous creative expression naturally arises effortlessly. Prior art making experience is not necessary: only open heartedness!

Mandala Gardens(and Photo Gallery of Adult, Teen and Children’s Programs)

The Artist's Way Groups with Julia Weaver

Workshop with Julia Weaver in Boulder, CO

Workshops with Julia Weaver in New York City

Workshops with Julia Weaver in Marin County, CA

Workshops with Julia Weaver and Annie Susnow
in Marin County, CA

Dolphin Swim/Whale Encounter Mandala Retreat with Julia Weaver Kona Coast, Hawaii

Mandala Workshops near Lake Tahoe with Julia Weaver

Host a workshop: If you are interested in hosting an Art & Soul workshop (for your friends or workplace) in your area, or some other delicious place, please invite me!!

Contact Julia for future dates.


All questions and directions welcome!
415-455-5989 at least 24 hours ahead.

$50 deposit required for workshops.
By Check or Money Order
PO Box 786, Forest Knolls, CA 94933

By Credit Card (through Pay Pal)
www.paypal.com Payment to "julia@mandalaweaver.com"

Refund/Cancellation policy in the event of non-attendance: refundable minus a $25 processing fee up to 10 days prior to the course.

Please contact Julia to arrange an Awakening the Heartist Within workshop in your community.


Julia's workshops allowed me to discover my natural abilities to use art and color as a creative tool, both on paper and in the intentional creation of my life. More importantly, she provided a safe and supportive place for me to reveal myself as the true spirit being that I am, giving me confidence for greater self-expression."

Debra Redalia, author (Home Safe Home)


Body & Soul
Magazine says:

"It seems to me that the challenge of our new century is bringing a potent feminine/intuitive presence into our troubled world.

That might express itszelf in respect and caring for the earth and its creatures, or in extended family and community.

The Mandala is a sacred container for this type of transformation. It invites us to dream and to receive both inspiration and support to spark the insights that will bring about a healing shift.

As a facilitator, Julia enjoys witnessing people go beyond their own beliefs about who they are and what they can do. 'Then,' she says, 'that's translated into the outer world.'

The process supports the role of relatedness in creating a balanced, peaceful life amidst a hectic and often despairing world.

We discover that we are a living Mandala: the sacred circle is not just the circle on the page, but all the circles of beings around us."

~ by Swaha Devi, excerpted from Body & Soul Magazine, Spring 2001


“My experience with Julia was breath taking. I found myself in joy with the opportunity to explore aspects of myself that were waiting to be released. I left feeling peaceful and illuminated. “

Monika Villasenor,
Inspirational teacher, coach, counselor


"Julia is a very gifted teacher. I was amazed how with her guidance, creativity, love and openheartedness she midwifed me through a beautiful delivery of a magical mandala."

P. Lewin,
Psychotherapist, yoga instructor


Julia encouraged me and gave me just the right space to stretch myself in ways I had never thought possible.  For that I am truly grateful.

~ Serena Poisson,
Reiki Master Teaching Staff
at Nine Gates Mystery School