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>programs > Hawaii retreat
Dolphin Swim / Whale Encounter
Mandala Retreat: Feb 3-10, 2012
Kona Coast, Hawaii with Julia Weaver, LMFT

Join us for this rare opportunity to experience the powerful teachings of humpback whales and dolphins, while intimately learning how to access new dimensions of creativity, healing and commune-ication abilities.

This place sacred to the indigenous people as "Gateway to the Gods" and reknowned for it's healing effects upon body, mind and soul.

Mandala means "sacred circle" in Sanskrit and is a vehicle for Self-remembrance and healing across cultures.

Even if you have never drawn before, you will discover a wealth of images within and learn to give them form with simple, yet powerful techniques.

Julia Weaver, LMFT #30156, a licensed psychotherapist in private practice, with 25 years experience incorporating and embodying the arts and spiritual practice as a healing modality. She is also an exhibiting and widely collected visionary artist. Julia is the founder of Art and Soul, a resource center for sacred and healing arts. While swimming off the Kona coast in 1996, Julia had a mystical experience where she spontaneously received mandala images, which took her artwork into deeper dimensions of healing and spiritual practice. Since that time she has been making annual pilgrimages to Hawaii, where many of her mandala paintings are created.
